Secure Shell, of course. Besides the obvious OpenSSH link, this page will hold some of the less obvious (and more useful) stuff:


Category Date Link Notes
SSH Tools

includes a secure VNC client in Java, sources


another (smaller) applet

PuTTY Symbian port

oldie but goodie Java applet


a modern SSH client for Mac OS 7/8/9.

Essentials fail2ban

block script kiddies and other pests from trying to do dictionary-based attacks on your server (on the internet, nobody knows that you only use key-based authentication – not even morons).

HOWTOs Restricted Shell for scp/sftp
Using ssh-agent
An Illustrated Guide to SSH Agent Forwarding

everything but SOCKS, but pretty useful to hand out to newbies.

Libraries sshfs

a FUSE / VFS -based filesystem layer atop SSH (FUSE has a BSD port, and there are now plenty of equivalents for Mac OS X)


Python wrapper

Servers 2024 tinyssh

a minimalistic SSH server which implements only a subset of SSHv2 features.

Tools Gnome SSH Tunnel Manager

take your environment with you


a tool to store keys in the macOS Secure Enclave

2023 ssh-crypt

a tool to encrypt/decrypt data using your ssh key from ssh-agent

Useful tricks

macOS keychain

SSH key handling has been changing throughout the years, but in Sierra (10.12.2) things can be restored to a modicum of sanity with these settings:

Host *
  UseKeychain yes
  AddKeysToAgent yes

Automatic session forwarding

If you routinely need to access a host behind another (or a VM inside a host), this is a relatively painless way to do so (won’t allow you to do SFTP, though, since that’s a different subsystem):

cat ~/.ssh/authorized\_keys | grep command
command="ssh user@host" of key


Using the built-in keep-alive feature to maintain tunnels with a TCP keep-alive and a 30s internal (in-band) client active check (will try 10 times before disconnecting):

KeepAlive yes
ClientAliveInterval 30
ClientAliveCountMax 10

Speeding up connections to the same host (thanks to Melo):

$ head -3 ~/.ssh/config
Host *
 ControlMaster auto
 ControlPath /tmp/501/mux-%h-%p-%r

(on my machine the socket file is in 502 – more similar tips here)

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