Nokia Prepares Launches, Apple Holds Its Ground

The next version of the N-Gage will not support sidetalking, and ease swapping SD cards, which shows that Nokia keeps learning from their mistakes. One can only wonder what they will come up with next, though. And given they are aiming at launching 40 phones in 2004, there are a lot of chances of even wierder designs popping up...

Despite the usual crowd of naysayers, the is such a hit in the US that the worldwide launch was postponed - and it's a sign of 's visibility that this made it to CNN. One wonders if it will make it to Portugal with the usual delay or if we'll be lucky this time around.

debunks OpenOffice

In a move that is likely to cause shivers in every knowledgeable tech-oriented staffer, published a PDF entitled OpenOffice 1.1 Competitive Guide that outlines the following marketing strategy for partners finding OpenOffice in the Small-To-Medium Business segment:

  • Question the "free" argument (by throwing TCO issues such as retraining into the mix)
  • Question the "good enough" argument (by protecting your information from virus attacks - as if OpenOffice had such problems...)
  • Show the total value delivered by (their only real valid point)

Secondary (technical) arguments are the lack of e-mail and database clients and lack of tech support. The circus has already picked up on this, of course, but most people will miss the relevant point - has not done something like this for years now, even though there are plenty of partner-oriented whitepapers outlining their value proposition in everything from Windows to SQL Server.